Sun 12 Jan
Waterbury!!! Sweet and Seductive your new addiction!!! - 30
(Bridgeport, Eastern Connecticut, Hartford, New Haven, Northwest Connecticut, Waterbury Bristol Naugatuck Torrington)
Thu 09 Jan
SUPER WOMEN SKILLS!!! 50 B & G SPECIALS 50 B&G;/100hh Specials!!! 203-993-2859 - 29
(New Haven, Wolcot,t Bristol & Waterbury)
Wed 08 Jan
•°•° Sweet As Heaven. Naughty As Hell ♥ Beauty 2 Remember ♥ A Throat U Won't 4-Get °•°(Bristol Area) - 26
(Bristol Waterbury incall + Outcalls, New Haven)
Tue 07 Jan
PL £ASUR£ *•* B£YOND *•* M£ASUR£ Seductive!! Sweet ♥ ThickBooty - 23
(New Haven, Waterbury, Southington, Wolcott &Bristol;)
What Can you Handle!!! Open-Minded Baby!!2032322925 - 23
(New Haven, Waterbury, Southington, Wolcott &Bristol;)
Sensual ----------- Busty ---------- Asian Girls ----------- Call 203 --- 435 ---- 6707 (incall) - 23
(New Haven, Waterbury,Southington,Meriden,Newbritain)
Mon 06 Jan
$50 B&G; & HH Specials!!! Call or Text me @ 203-993-2859 - 28
(New Haven, Wolcott Bristol & Waterbury)
➡NEW⬅♛PL £ASUR£ *•* B£YOND *•* M£ASUR£ ♛ Seductive!! Sweet ♥ ThickBooty - 23
(New Haven, Waterbury, Southington, Wolcott &Bristol;)
IN WATERTOWN. STILL HAVE a CHANCE if you MISSED me in WATERBURY. ask about humpday specials - 31
(New Haven, Watertown incalls.)
You never Had a Girl like me!! Its One of Things that you just got Have - 23
(New Haven, Waterbury, Southington, bristol,)
Sun 05 Jan
Crystal Blue eyes 💋 Sultry, Voluptuous, and Perky!!!🍒👅💋 - 45
(New Haven, Waterbury, Naugatuck,Bristol,Torrington)
Sat 04 Jan
What Can you Handle!!! Open-Minded Baby!!2032322925 - 23
(New Haven, Waterbury, Southington, Wolcott &Bristol;)
┈━═☆❤THE PerFect COMPANION❤☆═━┈✿ ┈━═☆ ❤☆ THE PeRfEcT AddicTiOn to ANY MaNs ScHeDuLe ❤ ☆ - 23
(New Haven, Waterbury, Southington, Wolcott &Bristol;)
Fri 03 Jan
Visiting Wolcott! Specials!!! Don't miss out!!! 203-993-2859 - 28
(New Haven, Wolcott, Waterbury, Bristol)
°°§°° Portuguese Hawaiian Princess ° 100% Real Pics ° Waterbury + Bristol Area °°§°° - 26
(New Haven, Waterbury Bristol)
Thu 02 Jan